to all my friends,
thank you for ur support..
n thanx again 4 being with me when i need someone
beside me...
n 4give me for all my mistake that i have done to
all of you..
truly, i love you guys so much...
i will never 4get all ur good deeps
toward me...
but maybe this is the best way
for all of us....
nurul n me.... my bestie.. my sister, my diary n my everything..
thnx for being with me all the time.. i know that i'm not a good friend for you... please 4give me.. its hard for me to make this decision but this is the best thing that i should do for both of us.. memories between us will not be forgotten...but please let me consider you as my good friend even we are not a best friend anymore...
i glad that i have found you as my friend... thanx...
maybe there's no more us...
but both of u will always be my bestie 4eva..
atien... thnx sbb sudi dgr luahan poyo kte..
mesti pnatkan dgr masalh kte yg berjela2..
sory... : )
nurul.... thnx a lot...
kte tk kn lupakan jasa nurul kat kte..
thnx kerna sudi nangis ngan kte...
n sudi temani kte..
atien n nurul...
no one can replace both of u...
no one!
ayu.... heheh.. thnx a lot dear... hg dh byk tlg.. terlalu byk..
terlalu byk nasihat hg utk aku... thnx ayu...
walaupun kta bkn kwn baik... tp hg rapat sgt dgn aku...
aku mnta maaf andai aku tlah byk mykitkan ati hg...
ayu.. aku tk lupakan hg.. sory sbb aku xtunaikan kata2 aku.. i need time ayu.. aku kna sesuaikn diri dgn hal2 yg baru dlm hdup aku... tk berniat utk aku buang korg smua dr hdup aku.. aku cma nk cari diri aku sndiri..
aku terlalu penat nk hadapi semua ni lg..
aku tk kuat.. thnx ayu.. thnx sesgt..
luv u! the most person i will nver forget is u!
jaynab... thnx sbb sudi tmani aku
selama ni..
thnx alot..
im sory ya....
aku xkn pnah lupa hg..
n u the only one yg pnggil aku MIA!
short form nma jejeka idaman aku dlu tu..
xksah daa..
aku dh pasrah laa..
feeling aku dh zero kat dia..
tp bkn laa 0/100
ada laaa skit2..
tp better than dlu kn..
byda way thnx yaa!
eika... thnx sbb tman aku slama ni..
even aku bkn kwn yg rapat dgn hg tp
hg slalu tlg aku..
aku mnta maaf skaranya aku ada
lakukan kesalahan..
n thnx sbb panggil aku nina!
sweet name...
aku tk kn lupa hg...
faz... my novel companion.. huhu.. thnx sbb sudi jd pndgr setia aku slama ni.. ehhehe.. sian ko kn.. pnat dgr citer aku.. msti bosan... sory ya! im so sory...
wey! thnx again ya... maafkan aku aw..
i'll nver 4get u... heheh
bby... my ex monitor.. thnx sbb bntu aku dlu.. n aku mnta maaf sbb dh byk nyusahkn ko..
even kta tk rpt tp ko ok je dgn aku kn.. thnx ea..
u also i'll nver 4get.. thnx..
queen of picture, feyza... heheh..
aku dh terikut2 hg pn.. dh minta snap pic..
sna sni dgn cmera je.. hehe..
thnx sbb sudi tman aku..
tggu aku kt tsyen n gla2 dgn aku..
thnx sesgt...
n im sory...
4gve me for all my mistake..
thnx again ya..
never 4get u too..
syera... thnx ya...
tman aku pi tsyen, ikut kerenah aku yg tk hbis2..
thnx a lot..
n most important things sbb sudi dgr cerita tk ada nokhtahnya.. hehhe..
thnx k..
aku tk kn lupa jsa hg kat aku..
n im sory...
timah.. model iklan gigi colgate...
thnx sesgt sbb sdi meminjamkn telinga hg
tuk org mcm aku ni..
thnx ya!
im sory....
4gve me ya!
nver forget u laa babe..
kegembiraan yg terpncar di wajah kita semua... knangan kita bersma tidak akn aku lpakan...
thnx to all my fren... tq soo mch... i'll nver forget u gys...
* im sory... please 4gve me... aku tdak berniat utk tggalkan korg smua.. tp this is the bst choice..
ni yg terbaik.. smua ni utk kesejahteraan kta bersama.. mgkin dgn cara aku trik dri dr perhbungan ni..
adalah yg terbaik.. tiada bezanya... aku ada or tiada.. is still the sme... i'm not the important person to all of you.. i'm jst sayur smpingan... hehhe.. aku tk kisah.. aku harap korg slalu bahagia ya!
- amalina a.k.a si ckp cpat-
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